
  • You can access past sermons via our YouTube channel here.

  • We love books around here. We’ve got a collection of books that are free for the taking in the back of the sanctuary. Grab one from the rack and enjoy.

    Downstairs you will find a wall full of Alabaster Bible books and studies stationed downstairs to sit, read, and engage the Bible in a new way while you are here.

    Here are a few books that have been foundational in the formation and sustaining in the ongoing rhythms of our church:

    Connecting- Larry Crabb

    Real Church: Does it Exist?- Larry Crabb

    Emotionally Healthy Spirituality- Peter Scazzero

    The Cry of the Soul- Dan Allender and Tremper Longman

    The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry- John Mark Comer

    Sacred Rhythms- Ruth Haley Barton

    The Divine Conspiracy- Dallas Willard

    The Knowledge of the Holy- A.W. Tozer

    The Reason for God- Tim Keller

  • We know there is a sea of great resources out there. Here are a few handpicked recommendations:

    Rule of Life by Practicing the Way

    The Place we Find Ourselves by Adam Young

    The Allender Center Podcast