Small Groups

Small groups will be starting mid September with a 9-12 week study on the foundations of community. If we’re being honest, community is hard. It’s hard to define, hard-to-find and hard to keep. But almost everyone we know wants to be a part of it. Why? Because we were created for it.

We need community for all kinds of reasons. It provides us with security, friendship, a sense of belonging, and more. Without it, we can’t fully obey God’s commandments to love Him and one another.

In this study, you’ll spend more time discovering the central functions God intends for Christian community: most startlingly, to provide a temple in which God can dwell in this world. Then you’ll identity a set of life habits that will help you fulfill those functions: Humility, Story, Unity, Service and Forgiveness.

There will be formidable space set aside to share our stories. This is not simply a “testimony” of all the biggest/best/worst parts of your life that have been used or tied together by Jesus, forsaking all the parts that are too painful, undone, not yet fixed, or confusing. However, this is an honest telling of your life through the ups, downs, twists, turns, knowns, unknowns, realities and uncertainties. In the telling of our stories, we have a tangible experience of grace, and are able to see how God is working in each other’s lives, and how each of our stories is a part of God’s greater story.

Commitment is expected throughout the entirety of this study. Each group/member will have the opportunity to decide what is next from there. Here are a few expectations for small group participation as well as leadership. If this seems like a good fit, feel free to fill out the form to your right (or below if you’re on a phone). If this isn’t something you feel you are able to commit to at this time, but would still like to get to know others more and gather for intentional community, check out our some of our other upcoming relational discipleship opportunities. Monthly dinners will also kick off in the fall with a time of intentional conversation and reflection around the table together as we look at some of the original gatherings for remembrance, thanksgiving and celebration, from biblical feasts to the Lord’s Supper.

Small Group Participation:

-Ability to be present to others, God, and self. We are not just physically present with our body in the room, but mentally, emotionally, and relationally present and engaged with others.

-Commitment to weekly presence in community (through fall study)

-Willingness to be honest and vulnerable with others, God, and yourself